Hey! I’m Jacob Meyer, and I’m Director of Web at WeCreate.
I am the resident authority (and nerd) on websites, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), CRO (conversion rate optimization), and various website needs for WeCreate and our clients. I love educating everyone on the complex topics around my job and turning them into something simple, yet still actionable. Be prepared for a creative metaphor or two!
Top Skillsets
Web Master at Your Service
In my younger days, I did a wide array of odd jobs before diving into digital marketing full-time. Since my pivot into the digital landscape, it's been a mix of working inside agencies, and I even was the director of marketing for an SMB. Learning new skills is a core feature of my personality. With my mental toolbox, I love helping others achieve something they once thought was overwhelming. I sort of see myself as a young spirited magician, that you can lean on to overcome the barriers of digital marketing.
Notable Clients
OMS Photo, Indiana Destination Development Corporation